Vision Benefits
How to use your Vision Benefits
UUSD has vision coverage through Vision Service Plan, also known as VSP. UUSD started using VSP vision services provider in October of 2022; if you are using your same provider let them know you have a new vision plan.
UUSD has vision coverage through Vision Service Plan, also known as VSP. UUSD started using VSP vision services provider in October of 2022; if you are using your same provider let them know you have a new vision plan.
How to use your vision benefits at a Participating Provider (recommended):
How to use your vision benefits at a Non-Participating Provider:
TIP #1: Do NOT present your Anthem Medical Insurance Card when obtaining vision services. If a vision provider bills Anthem, your claims will be denied.
TIP #2: If you are visiting a Participating Provider, just show up and say, “I have VSP” when checking in for your visit. The provider will handle the billing.
TIP #3: If you are visiting a Non-Participating Provider, be sure to bring a VSP Form with you (forms available for download on the Forms tab) or obtain an itemized billing, prescription, and receipt of visit for claims submission.
- Make an appointment with the eye care specialist of your choice. VSP Participating Provider information can be obtained by visiting or by calling VSP Vision at 1-800-877-7195.
- You do not need to provide a Claim Form when visiting a Participating Provider.
- When you check in for your appointment, inform the provider you have VSP.
How to use your vision benefits at a Non-Participating Provider:
- If Covered Services are received from a Non-Participating Provider, you are responsible for paying the provider in full.
- You or the provider must submit an itemized billing and copy of your prescription with the Claim Form to VSP.
- You can submit you claim online at VSP or by mail. You will need to create a login in to submit online.
- To submit online, have all receipts and documents scanned and accessible on your computer, login at VSP, click View Your Benefits, click Submit a claim, complete the fields and, follow prompts and upload documents, click the Submit button.
- To submit by mail, fill out the reimbursement form and mail it to Vision Service Plan, attention Claims Services PO Box 385018, Birmingham, AL 35238-5018. You can download and print a Claim Form on the Forms tab or call Member Services at 800.877.7195 to obtain a form
- Once claim is received, please allow for up to ten business days (plus mailing) for processing
- Reimbursement will be made to the Insured Person up to the Schedule of Allowances shown for Non-Participating Providers.
TIP #1: Do NOT present your Anthem Medical Insurance Card when obtaining vision services. If a vision provider bills Anthem, your claims will be denied.
TIP #2: If you are visiting a Participating Provider, just show up and say, “I have VSP” when checking in for your visit. The provider will handle the billing.
TIP #3: If you are visiting a Non-Participating Provider, be sure to bring a VSP Form with you (forms available for download on the Forms tab) or obtain an itemized billing, prescription, and receipt of visit for claims submission.