7-11 Committee » 7-11 Committee

7-11 Committee

What is a 7-11 Committee?


It is recommended that the Ukiah Unified School District establish a Surplus Property Advisory (7-11) Committee to review relevant property information, establish and communicate throughout the attendance area a priority list for use of surplus space and real property, hold public hearings, and forward to the Board of Trustees a report recommending uses of surplus space and real property.


It is the intent of the State Legislature to have the community involved before decisions are made about the use of surplus property so that a future use is reasonably compatible with the community’s needs and desires.  This committee consists of not less than seven and no more than eleven members, and shall be representatives of each of the following:

  1. The ethnic, age group, and socio-economic composition of the district.
  2. The business community, such as store owners, managers, or supervisors.
  3. Landowners or renters, with preference to be given to representatives of neighborhood associations.
  4. Teachers.
  5. Administrators.
  6. Parents/guardians of students.
  7. Persons with expertise in environmental impact, legal contracts, building codes, and land use planning, including, but not limited to, knowledge of the zoning and other land use restrictions of the cities and county in which surplus space and real property are located.

This process will run in conjunction with our Facilities Master Plan committee.