Enrollment & Forms
Access Online Registration
Registration for school is completed online. Families without access to technology should contact their school and schedule an appointment for assistance. If you are new to the area or are unsure of which school your child should attend, contact the school district office to determine their neighborhood school. Paper registration packets can be requested through the school sites. Those who want to attend a school different than their neighborhood school should complete an Intradistrict Transfer form for consideration of transfer.
Education Benefit Form
Ukiah Unified parents will be asked to complete the Educational Benefit Form every three years. Parents of NEW students need to complete a form for each new student. Ukiah Unified School District receives additional funding to increase or improve educational opportunities for our students. Without these forms completed, we may lose funding that directly supports our students' education. Completing this form allows us to qualify for funding that supports critical programs such as music, art, athletics, computers and technology, counselors, reduced class size, school nutrition, ASES, and many other programs.
Click Here to Complete the Online Form.
If you need help completing the form, please reach out to your child’s school.
Interdistrict Transfers
New Students Who Reside Outside of UUSD
California law requires school districts to provide an education to any student who resides within the district’s attendance area. Although students have the right under California law to free, public education, the law does not guarantee that a student can attend the school of his or her choice. Students who reside outside of the district and wish to enroll in a UUSD school must submit the following items to the school site for review:
- interdistrict transfer request and/or interdistrict transfer agreement that was submitted to their district of residence
- most recent grade report
- current attendance report
- current discipline report
All students should have a 95% attendance rate for the most recent grading period to be considered for enrollment in Ukiah Unified. Secondary students should also have a grade point average of 2.0 or higher. Students must show good citizenship and behavior with no major disciplinary infractions. If there is room to enroll the student, and they meet all of the requirements, the student will be considered for enrollment.
TK and Kindergarten students who have not been enrolled in a previous school only need to submit a copy of the interdistrict transfer requests. Attendance, behavior, and academic progress will be monitored after enrollment by the site principal to determine if the interdistrict agreement should continue from year to year. To remain on an interdistrict transfer the student must maintain these specified criteria:
- Maintain a minimum attendance rate of 95% for each grading period.
- Attend school on time and have no truancies or unexcused absences
- Maintain appropriate school behavior
- Secondary students must maintain a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 for each grading period
Students Residing in UUSD but wishing to transfer to a different district.
If a student resides in UUSD boundaries but wishes to transfer to a district outside the boundaries, the parents should complete an interdistrict transfer request and submit it to Ukiah Unified School District Service Center. Download forms here then drop off all completed forms at the Ukiah Unified School District Office located at 511 S. Orchard Avenue in Ukiah, CA.
Interdistrict Transfer Application
Solicitud de transferencia interdistrital
Questions regarding interdistrict transfers can be directed to the Ukiah Unified School District Human Resources Department at 707.472.5030.
When a request for an interdistrict transfer is received 15 or fewer calendar days before the start of instruction in the school year for which the transfer is sought, Ukiah Unified School District will notify parents of its final decision concerning the transfer within 30 calendar days of receiving the request.
When a request for an interdistrict transfer is received 16 or more calendar days before commencement of instruction in the school year for which the transfer is sought, Ukiah Unified School District will notify parents as soon as possible, but not later than 14 calendar days after the start of instruction in that school year.
When any request for a current or future year interdistrict transfer is denied, Ukiah Unified School District will notify parents in writing of their right to appeal the denial to the Mendocino County Board of Education within 30 calendar days.
Ukiah Unified School District will begin accepting and processing requests starting January 1 for the next school year.