Visitors, Volunteers, and Observers
Visiting, Volunteering, and Observing
Ukiah Unified School District believes educating the community’s students is a shared responsibility between parents/guardians and District staff. When parents/guardians and community members actively support and engage with the District, the student learning experience is more robust. The importance of education is reinforced to students through the presence and participation of volunteers.
Here’s how to determine if you are a volunteer, visitor, or observer.
Visitors are parents/guardians, family, friends, and community members attending a scheduled event or meeting or accessing campus beyond the Office for a limited time and specific purpose. Examples:
- Schoolwide Assembly during school hours
- Student Performances/Presentations open to the public and during school hours
Visitors must sign in and out at the Office and display a Visitor’s Badge for their visit.
Background checks and TB tests are not required.
Requests for regular or prolonged visits are not allowed as they disrupt the learning environment for your child and the other students.
Volunteers are parents, family members, or community members who will be spending time (more than 30 minutes) in the presence of students consistently and regularly. Example activities include, but are not limited to:
- Classroom assistants
- Lunchroom support
- Playground monitors
- Overnight field-trip chaperones
- Drivers of students to athletic events or field trips*
Volunteers assist teachers and/or support staff in performing their nonteaching duties and under their supervision.
Volunteers require background checks. TB testing is not required.
LiveScan Fingerprint Instructions. En Español.
Driving students requires the completion of a Private Vehicle Use Form and the review of driving records provided by the California Department of Motor Vehicles. Verification of adequate insurance is also required, as the Private Vehicle Use Form specifies. Forms are also available through the school’s secretary.
Observers are parents who spend a limited amount of time (up to 30 minutes) observing (not interacting with their child, the teacher, or other children) their child’s teacher, classroom, playground, or different single location. Observers must submit a request in advance and receive approval before observing at the school. Upon arrival, Observers must sign in at the Office and follow the guidance of office staff. Observations are not permitted to disrupt instructional services or students’ learning experiences. Parents can also review instructional material upon request and scheduling.
Background checks and TB tests are not required.
Requests for regular or prolonged observations are not allowed as they become disruptive to the learning environment for your child and the other students in the classroom. If a condition or concern exists that merits regular or ongoing observations, speak with your school’s principal so that they can understand the situation and best support your needs.
Regulation 5020 and Educational Code Section 51101
California State Law and Education Code requires all volunteers to submit to fingerprinting and pass a criminal background to ensure the safety of students.
We recognize this requirement is inconvenient, but please don’t let it deter you from volunteering. The District has invested in LiveScan equipment and training to provide convenient fingerprinting at the District Service at no cost to volunteers. You can make an appointment here.
Visitors and Observers are not required to be vetted with a background check. Signing in and out at the Office are essential safety measures. In an emergency, administrators and first responders need to know who is on campus so they can be accounted for if an emergency response is necessary.
Volunteer Responsibilities Agreement
Volunteers/Chaperones are expected to understand and comply with our Volunteer Responsibilities Agreement.
Restrictions and Opportunities
California State Law, Education Code, and Ukiah Unified School District Board Policy prioritize all students’ privacy, safety, and security, along with the right for all students to have a positive learning experience without undue distractions or disruptions from observers and visitors. Policy, Code, and Law provide ample opportunity to observe and visit without being a distraction or negatively impacting the privacy of others. Other options for engagement include:
- Meeting with your child’s teacher or principal
- Volunteering in your school
- Joining a parent advisory committee
- Attending Open Houses
- Engaging in Parent/Teacher Conferences
- Joining a Parent Teacher Association/Organization (PTA/O)
- Joining an English Language Learner Committee
- Attending plays, performances, athletic events, and extracurricular activities that are open to the public
Whether you are a Volunteer, Observer, Visitor, or all three – we’re excited to have you engaged with our students and staff. Thank you for understanding the need to have safeguards in place and for helping us maintain a focused learning environment for our students!