Information / Resources
It's Never Too Soon To Start Planning For An Early Retirement (Click here to learn more)
It's never too soon to start planning for an Early Retirement
Did you know that for every $100 you put in a 403(b) retirement plan, you actually only see about an $80 difference in your check? That is like getting an extra $20 in savings! This is because the money is tax deferred (taken out before taxes are calculated). You are allowed to defer up to $19,500 income per year; $26,000 if you are age 50 or above.
So why do YOU need to save if you have CalPERS or CalSTRS? Your pension may only cover 50-60% of your monthly income needs. By contributing to a 403(b) now, you are paying less payroll taxes, earning interest on your money, and if you don’t see it you won’t spend it.
According to money.cnn you should be saving 10-15% of your income for retirement. In addition, here is an example of how starting early can make a big difference. Say you start at age 20, and put aside $3,000 a year ($250/month) in a tax-deferred retirement account for 10 years - and then you stop saving - completely. By the time you reach 60, your $30,000 investment will have grown to more than $338,000, (assuming a 7% annual return), even though you didn't contribute a dime beyond age 30.
Now let's say you put off saving until you turn 35, and then save $3,000 a year for 30 years. By the time you reach 65, you will have set aside $90,000 of your own money, but it will grow to only about $303,000, assuming the same 7% annual return. That's a huge difference. If you cannot afford $250-300/month, consider starting with a smaller amount and increasing the amount each time you get a raise.
CalPERS and CalSTRS both have a Retirement Estimate Calculator that can help determine how much you will need to save for retirement. Your Escape Employee Portal has a Paycheck Calculator that allows you to see how much your take home pay will be if you withhold $100, $200, $300, $500, or the max $2,166 per month. (The information needed can be found on your end-of-month pay stub.)
Improve Your Opportunities for Employment/Advancement (Click here for more information)
Professional Development Opportunities (click here)
If you are looking for Professional Growth opportunities, here are a couple of resources:
- All Staff:
- Keenan & Associates Safe Schools Training offers training in a multitude of areas including: Special Education, Environmental Safety, Human Resources, Information Technology, and dealing with difficult students/people.
- National Education Association (NEA) Micro-Credentials offers credentialing in all areas of classified services.
- Tools for Interpreters Webinar Series 2020 accelerated the move to remote interpreting and changed many protocols for onsite assignments,
requiring new skills from interpreters in order to manage each interpreting encounter. This webinar series
highlights useful tools for language professionals navigating remote and onsite interpreting sessions.
We hope you enjoy this FREE webinar series, delivered by experts from the fields of conference, legal,
community and medical interpreting.
Certificates are only issued to attendees of the live sessions - Instructional Support Staff:
- Google for Education offers training integrating Google platforms into instruction.
- Paraeducator Online Training offers self-paced online training and assessment programs for Paraeducators.
- Office/Clerical:
- G Suite Learning Center offers training in all Google products including: Calendar, Docs, Sheets, Meets, Forms and much, much more.
- Frontline Campus Users
- Escape/Frontline Training
Upcoming Certifications
- Accounts Payable Certification Aug 24-27
- Revised Budget Certification Sept 21-24
Upcoming Training- Escape Basics Workshop Sept 16
- Special Education Instructional Support Staff (or anyone who works with SpEd students):
- Autism Focused Intervention Resources & Modules (AFIRM) offers continuing education units through a step-by-step process of planning for, using, and monitoring an evidence-based practice with learners with ASD from birth to 22 years of age.
- Autism Internet Modules (AIM) offers Professional Development Certificates through participation and completion of modules.
These trainings do not offer certification, but will help strengthen skills.
- Office/Clerical:
- Spanish:
- English Classes:
Click Here for Financial Aid and Scholarship Information
What are Sources of Financial Aid for Professional Growth/Higher Education? offers great suggestions for Financial Aid.
Another great resource for Scholarships and Financial Aid is, The SmartStudentTM Guide to Financial Aid.
If you are a member of CSEA, don't forget their Education Services, including No-Cost Associates Degree and Low-Cost Bachelor's Degree programs as well as scholarships and grants.
CASBO 2021 Bob Reeves Scholarship
Are you looking for a little financial help to accelerate your school business career this year? Plan on applying for one of CASBOs Robert "Bob" Reeves Scholarships to take the first step!
High School Diploma or Equivalency Options (Click to expand)
Ukiah Adult School General Education Development (GED) Testing.
The GED certificate is accepted almost everywhere in place of a high school diploma.
Mendocino College High School Equivalency Program (HEP)
The High School Equivalency Program (HEP) provides a unique educational experience for students who did not graduate from high school. HEP is a federally funded program for migrant and seasonal workers.
For further information about the HEP program, please call the HEP office at 467-1026 or come by room 6650 in Mendocino College, Ukiah Campus.
El Programa Equivalente a la Preparatoria (HEP) de Mendocino College ofrece una excelente oportunidad a los residentes de los condados de Mendocino y Lake que no se graduaron de la preparatoria o high school, para que estudien y puedan obtener su certificado equivalente a la preparatoria. HEP es un programa del gobierno federal para las personas que trabajan o han trabajado en la agricultura temporal o migratoria. Les provee a los estudiantes el conocimiento necesario para aprobar los exámenes para obtener su certificado de la preparatoria.
Para obtener más información acerca del programa de HEP, llámenos al (707) 467-1026 o venga a la oficina 6650 en Mendocino College, Ukiah.
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Check out a couple of the clips posted on UUSD Facebook Page:
P.C. Office Happenings (click here to expand)
Personnel Commission Meeting Calendars (Click Here)