Curriculum, Instruction, & Assessment » Curriculum, Instruction, & Assessment

Curriculum, Instruction, & Assessment

Ukiah Unified School District’s goal is to design and implement an educational program that prepares students for success in college and/or career. The Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment department coordinates curriculum adoptions and implementation, provides professional development that supports high-quality instruction, and coordinates state and district assessment systems. In addition, the department oversees the District’s State Preschools and the After School Education and Safety (ASES) program.
For more information please contact:
Katie Sommer, Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services at [email protected].
Kara Blanco, Director of Curriculum and Instruction, 707-472-5069 or [email protected]
Marcia Locatelli, Administrative Assistant 707-472-5052 or [email protected].
Veronica Garcia, Secretary 707-472-5054 or [email protected]

Curriculum Resources

Assessment Calendars

Theory of Action:

Through the Leadership Network, Site Leadership Teams, and Professional Learning Communities, school sites will create and implement Site Implementation Plans and Single Plan for Student Achievement that will focus on implementing the Common Core State Standards, Next Generation Science Standards and improving student outcomes and achievement.  



To provide ongoing professional development that supports high quality teaching and learning with a focus on the Common Core State Standards and instruction that supports English Learners through the three core instructional practices and the Visible Learning for Literacy framework.


Instruction Focus:

Continue to refine our three core instructional practices of Collaborative Conversation, Close Reading, and Evidence Based Writing with a focus on supporting English Learners with specific scaffolding strategies.