Developer Fees
Developer fees are fees that are paid by property owners and developers to school districts to mitigate the impact created by new development within a school district's boundaries on the school facilities. Fees are typically paid to the school district as a condition of a property developer or owner obtaining a building permit from the city or county for a construction project. The State Allocation Board establishes the per-square-foot fee amounts and updates them every two years.
To Get a Building Permit
Go to the City of Ukiah’s Building Division or the County of Mendocino’s Planning & Building Services Department. Among other things, they will determine the assessable square footage for developer fees of your project.
Once you have this in writing from the City or County, you need to go to the Ukiah Unified School District’s District Service Center, located at 511 S. Orchard Avenue (across from the DMV), during normal business hours. There, District staff will collect your developer fees and provide you with a form to take back to the City or County to finalize your permitting process.
Current Developer Fees (as of April 10, 2023)
- Residential: $4.79 per square foot
- Commercial/Industrial (except Self-Storage): $0.78 per square foot
- Self-Storage: $0.09 per square foot
For more information about Developer Fees, please see Developer Fee FAQs.
For information about Developer Fee Exemptions, please see Developer Fee Calculation Notes.
- Appointments are not needed.
- Developer Fee forms are not available ahead of time and cannot be downloaded from our website.
- If you have a special situation, please call the UUSD Fiscal Department at 707-472-5010.
More Information About Developer Fees
During 2021-22, the Board directed Administration to commission a new developer fee justification study. Starting in the spring of 2022, the District partnered with King Consulting to develop and revise the study several times. The first draft was presented to the Board during a public hearing at the regular Board Meeting on August 11, 2022. Two public information meetings were held on August 29th and September 26th, 2022. Press releases were issued for these public meetings, and they were covered in the Ukiah Daily Journal and other local media outlets, on the District's website ( and were posted on social media.
In addition to the public hearing on August 11, 2022, public hearings were also held during regularly-scheduled Board meetings on December 15, 2022 and February 9, 2023. As required by law, all public hearings were legally noticed in the Ukiah Daily Journal in advance of the meetings.
Finally, on February 9, 2023, the Board passed a resolution adopting the final draft of the 2023 Developer Fee Justification Study. Sixty days later, on April 10, 2023, the District began collecting developer fees.
Board Meeting and Public Hearing on Thursday, August 11, 2022
DRAFT Developer Fee Justification Study
Public Meeting #1 on Monday, August 29, 2022
Public Meeting #2 on Monday, September 26, 2022
Board Meeting on Thursday, November 10, 2022
Board Meeting and Public Hearing on Thursday, December 15, 2022
DRAFT Developer Fee Justification Study
Resolution No. 9, 2022-23, Adopting the Developer Fee Justification Study (replaced by Resolution No. 13, 2022-23 on February 9, 2023)
Resolution No. 10, 2022-23, Establishing and Adopting School Facilities Fees (replaced by Resolution No. 13, 2022-23 on February 9, 2023)
Board Meeting and Public Hearing on Thursday, February 9, 2023
Resolution No. 13, 2022-23 Establishing and Adopting School Facilities Fees
Developer Fee Justification Study (February 2023, by King Consulting)
Press Releases
Ukiah Unified to discuss Developer Fees at August 29 community meeting 8.22.2022
Ukiah Unified to discuss Developer Fees at September 26 community meeting 9.12.2022
Ukiah Unified Developer Fees 9.28.2022
Updated July 2023