Ukiah Unified School District

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Superintendent’s Update to Ukiah Unified Families - May 15, 2020

Here are important updates about the months ahead, and some initial thoughts on what the next school year might look like. I am incredibly proud of our fantastic community and thank you for your continued patience, understanding, and cooperation as this dynamic situation continues to unfold, and we work to make the most of our situation.


Class of 2020 Graduation and Middle School Promotions

Given the current public health crisis and the requirements to follow local social distancing mandates and public health orders, we feel very sad for our high school seniors that they cannot experience the traditional graduation festivities that they deserve. We recognize that these plans are not what our seniors and their families might have pictured, and you have already faced much disappointment with the absence of many activities. However, it is our hope that our school communities create wonderful memories from these new experiences. Together, we will make this the important, meaningful milestone that it is!


We are excited to announce that we will be hosting virtual graduation and promotion exercises;  however, to accomplish this, we need your help!  We will be holding checkout processes at each of our secondary school sites, which will include a picture opportunity with a stage or backdrop where students' names will be read.  We request that high school graduates wear their caps and gowns to the checkout.  The photos will be used in the virtual graduation and promotion ceremonies and videos.  This process will ensure students will have an enduring memory in these unfortunate and difficult times and that we are able to celebrate their accomplishments virtually. 


Schools will schedule students and their “living units” (people they live with) a strict time to come to the school for the checkout process.  Only one vehicle will be allowed.   All social distancing requirements and other public health orders will be followed, including the requirement that all participants wear a mask.  Living units, as defined by regulation, are people living in the same house. 


The following schedule will be used for checkout and virtual ceremonies:

  • Eagle Peak Middle School:  Checkout May 29; Virtual Promotion Ceremony June 5
  • Pomolita Middle School:  Checkout May 28 and 29; Virtual Promotion Ceremony June 4
  • Ukiah Independent Study Academy:  Checkout June 6; Virtual Graduation Ceremony TBD 
  • South Valley High School:  Checkout June 3; Virtual Ceremony TBD
  • Ukiah High School:  Checkout June 4 and 5; Virtual Graduation Ceremony June 13
  • Ukiah Adult School:  Checkout by appointment; Ceremony with Class of 2021


Each school site will be in touch with parents and students to share the specific details of the days.  


Last Week of School

The official last day of school is Thursday, June 4, 2020. There will be no issuance of new assignments after Friday, May 29, 2020.  Schools will be in touch with you closer to the end of the year to share their final week of school plans.  If you have any questions, please call your student’s school office, or call our Remote Learning Hotline at 707-472-5003. 


The schedule for the last week of June 1 - June 4, 2020, will be flexible and allow for personal instruction, make-up work, and other end-of-year activities that will take place virtually. Secondary students will be able to utilize this last week to connect with teachers regarding grades. We recognize students may have questions for teachers related to grades that they usually are able to ask in person, and this allows for grades to be discussed this school year rather than over the summer. More information from principals and teachers will be shared in the coming weeks.


Summer School

After long deliberation with leadership and staff, along with guidance from Mendocino County Public Health and the Mendocino County Office of Education, we have modified our summer school program this year to only offer Extended School Year Special Education Program and Cyber High Credit Recovery for high school students.  We will not offer the Summer Bridge program or regular K - 8 summer school.


Remote Learning Survey

We value your input! Soon you will receive an invitation to participate in our remote learning survey, and I urge you to respond. This information is vital to our understanding of how remote learning is working and what can be improved. We will be sharing the results of this survey with leadership and staff so we can improve what we’re doing.


Fall Reopening of School

District staff and leadership have begun to plan and prepare for the next school year, which will begin on August 13, 2020. We meet regularly with Mendocino County Public Health Officials, and they will be the ones to determine the restrictions we will be under in August.  We are looking at several possibilities, including returning to normal, a hybrid school model that allows for social distancing, and continued remote learning.


As we plan for the next school year and learn more from local health officials, we will continue to communicate with you about any changes or decisions that are made.


Memorial Day and Meals

Lastly, a reminder that there is no school on Memorial Day, Monday, May 25, 2020. Meals will be served the following day on Tuesday, May 26, 2020, and will include four days of meals.